My guess is the password reset was initiated on a laptop or Desktop computer and maybe you were using your iPad to login and reset it using the temporary password generated when the reset was requested. It is a little bit of a brain exercise, but here is what happens.
A computer is connected directly to the cloud server, while the iPad has a local copy of FoodCode-Pro. The local FCP app on the iPad doesn't know the password reset was done on the cloud server and will keep your original password until you sync. Once you sync the password reset info is now on the iPad, but is still logged in under your old password, so you have to log out of FCP. Now when you log in it will find that you need to reset the password (using the random temporary password) and ask you to enter and confirm your new password. Now the iPad has your new password, but guess what? The Cloud server does not! So you need to sync again and now the cloud server and iPad finally both have your new password.